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Fig. 3 | Virology Journal

Fig. 3

From: Differential transcriptome response following infection of porcine ileal enteroids with species A and C rotaviruses

Fig. 3

Graphical summary of PIE response following RVC (A), G9P[13] (B), and G5P[7] (C) infection vs control (non-infected PIEs) depicts the associations between the mostly modulated biological themes, creating a coherent and comprehensible synopsis of the analysis. The graphical summary includes entities such as canonical pathways, upstream regulators, diseases and biological functions. A The graphical summary for RVC infection revealed two affected canonical pathways (Role of BRCA1 in DNA damage response; and Interferon signalling – Top 5 canonical pathways in Fig. 2) with regulators of the immune response including STAT1, STAT2, DDX5. B The data analysis of the PIE transcriptome response following RVA G9P[13] infection indicated a prominent association of the top modulated canonical pathways (Endothelin signalling, Role of BRCA1 in DNA damage with a variety cancer/cell proliferation-associated genes). C. In contrast, only a few genes were connected with S100 family signalling pathway in PIEs infected with RVA G5P[7]

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