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Fig. 1 | Virology Journal

Fig. 1

From: Monitoring HIV DNA and cellular activation markers in HIV-infected humanized mice under cART

Fig. 1

Stability of the HIV reservoir in humanized mice in the spleen and lymph node. Infected NSG mice (n = 36) were euthanized prior to cART (n = 3) and after documented viral suppression at 5 (n = 2), 6 (n = 10), 9 (n = 9), 13 (n = 7) and 17 (n = 5) weeks of treatment. a Viral load in hu-mice over time before and after treatment with cART. Spleen and lymph nodes were removed at euthanasia and HIV provirus (b) and total HIV DNA/millions of hCD45+ cells (c) quantified over time shown in blue for the lymph node and in red for the spleen (mean ± SEM). d Correlation between proviruses/millions of hCD45+ cells between the spleen and the lymph node from the same animal or pool of animals. e Correlation between total HIV DNA between the lymph node and the spleen from the same animal or pool of animals, (P = 0.2089, r = 0.311). f and g Correlation between proviruses and total HIV DNA in the spleen or the lymph node, respectively. Because of the low yield of lymphatic tissues in some mice, we were forced to pool the lymphatic tissues of some mice, which had a similar peak viral load. In fact in some mice we were not able to retrieve lymph node tissue. Thus, the data presented for the lymph nodes are based on 26 mice euthanized and eventually 14 (b) and 16 (c) data points, and for the spleen on 36 mice with 24 data points

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