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Figure 1 | Virology Journal

Figure 1

From: Interaction of mumps virus V protein variants with STAT1-STAT2 heterodimer: experimental and theoretical studies

Figure 1

Decrease in pY701-STAT-1 level protein by VWT of Urabe AM9 vaccine strain. (A) Detection of ISGF3 complex activated by IFN-α in human cervical carcinoma cell line. The complex was determined 48 h after transfection and 6 h after stimulation with IFN proteins separated by 7% PAGE under native conditions, semidry transfer to PVDF membrane and immunodetection with specific antibodies for pTyr701-STAT1 proteins, pTyr690-STAT2 and IRF9 (ISGF-γ3). The molecular weight of the complex is 250 kDa. (B) Effect of VWT and VGly proteins on STAT1 and STAT2 phosphorylated proteins by Western blot in human cervical carcinoma cell line. Proteins were separated in 10% SDSPAGE with semidry transfer to PVDF membrane and immunodetection with antibodies against His-tag for V proteins, pTyr701-STAT1, pTyr690-STAT2 and β-actin. (C) Detection of STAT1 inactive protein in cell expressing VWT and VGly proteins and 10% SDS-PAGE transfer to PVDF membrane and immunodetection with antibodies against STAT1 inactive protein and β-actin to normalize the level protein.

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